Thursday, May 17, 2007

Korean War Facts

  1. Korea was taken over by Japan in 1910 in hopes of finding Oil.
  2. Japan had to give Korea back to the Korean people in 1945 after WWII.
  3. Korea was divided to stop the spead of Communisum at the 38th paralell.
  4. The United States wanted to contain Communisum and wanted to Unite Korea.
  5. The United Nations sent in troops from 16 differnt countries, but they were mostly US forces.
  6. MacArthur was Recommisioned and worked as a General.
  7. MacArthur openly critized the Truman Administration and that got him fired.
  8. The POW camps were worse in North Korea that in Japan.
  9. Korea was still split at the 38th, but it was a sqwiggily line.
  10. The US Contained Communisum, but didn't unite Korea.

1 comment:


It would have been much more beneficial if you had competed this prior to the activity, Bennett - that was the puropse of the assignment!